Validating Forms Server-Side


You wish to validate forms using a server-side REST API provided by Rails.


Rails already provides model validation support out of the box for us. Let us start with the Contact ActiveRecord model.

class Contact <; ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :age, :firstname, :lastname

  validates :age, :numericality => {
    :only_integer => true, :less_than_or_equal_to => 50 }

It defines a validation on the age attribute. It must be an integer and less or equal to 50 years.

In the ContactsController we can use that to make sure the REST API returns proper error messages. As an example let us look into the create action.

class ContactsController <; ApplicationController
  respond_to :json

  def create
    @contact =[:contact])
      render json: @contact, status: :created, location: @contact
      render json: @contact.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity


On success it will render the contact model using a JSON presentation and on failure it will return all validation errors transformed to JSON. Let us have a look at an example JSON response:

{ "age": ["must be less than or equal to 50"] }

It is a hash with an entry for each attribute with validation errors. The value is an array of Strings since there might be multiple errors at the same time.

Let us move on to the client-side of our application. The Angular.js contact $resource calls the create function and passes the failure callback function.

Contact.create($, success, failure);

function failure(response) {
  _.each(, function(errors, key) {
    _.each(errors, function(e) {
      $scope.form[key].$dirty = true;
      $scope.form[key].$setValidity(e, false);

Note that ActiveRecord attributes can have multiple validations defined. That is why the failure function iterates through each validation entry and each error and uses $setValidity and $dirty to mark the form fields as invalid.

Now we are ready to show some feedback to our users using the same approach discussed already in the forms chapter.

<div class="control-group" ng-class="errorClass('age')">
  <label class="control-label" for="age">Age</label>
  <div class="controls">
    <input ng-model="contact.age" type="text" name="age"
      placeholder="Age" required>
    <span class="help-block"
      ng-show="form.age.$invalid && form.age.$dirty">

The errorClass function adds the error CSS class if the form field is invalid and dirty. This will render the label, input field and the help block with a red color.

$scope.errorClass = function(name) {
  var s = $scope.form[name];
  return s.$invalid && s.$dirty ? "error" : "";

The errorMessage will print a more detailed error message and is defined in the same controller.

$scope.errorMessage = function(name) {
  result = [];
  _.each($scope.form[name].$error, function(key, value) {
  return result.join(", ");

It iterates over each error message and creates a comma separated String out of it.

You can find the complete example on github.


Finally, the errorMessage handling is of course pretty primitive. A user would expect a localized failure message instead of this technical presentation. The Rails Internationalization Guide describes how to translate validation error messages in Rails and might prove helpful to further use that in your client-side code.