Assigning a Default Value to a Model


You wish to assign a default value to the scope in the controller’s context.


Use the ng-controller directive in your template:

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">

Next, define the scope variable in your controller function:

var MyCtrl = function($scope) {
  $scope.value = "some value";


Depending on where you use the ng-controller directive, you define its assigned scope. The scope is hierarchical and follows the DOM node hierarchy. In our example, the value expression is correctly evaluated to some value, since value is set in the MyCtrl controller. Note that this would not work if the value expression were moved outside the controllers scope:


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">

In this case {{value}} will simply be not rendered at all due to the fact that expression evaluation in Angular.js is forgiving for undefined and null values.